Globalization is the process of interaction between people, companies, and government.
The process has effects on the environment on culture on political system, on economic development and prosperity.
Globalization has brought benefits in developed countries as well as negative effects.
The positive effects include a number of factors which are education on trade, technology, competition investments, and capital flows employment culture and organization structure.
The negative effects are jobs insecurity, terrorism
Multinational corporations are agents of globalization. At the same time, many multinational corporations are also affected by globalization in ways they may or may not like. This reality stems from the fact that multinational corporations have many subsidiaries, some of which benefit from globalization and others that do not. The effects of globalization on a multinational corporation can be good or bad, depending on the nature of the corporation in question.
One of the aspects of Globalization is also the migration.
In the twenty-first century, international migration touches the lives of more people than ever before, With more than 160 million people estimated to be living outside their country of birth, almost no country is untouched by international migration or is immune to its effects.
The factors of migration are: War, poverty, political repression.
Thank of this flux of migration there is moreover the exchange of language, culture and religion.